Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Productive and Active New Year

Image copyright Ty Templeton

The cartoon above is hilarious and is written and drawn by Toronto based writer/artist Ty Templeton. I have met Ty on the 2 occasions that I have visited Fanexpo and he is a charming and funny fella, always willing to do a free sketch for a fan. Check out his blog here.

The end of 2009 is nigh, and I wanted to say thanks to all the people who have been following this blog (officially 3 - damn)

It has been a difficult year, IMO we are in the middle of an Economic Depression, despite Economists and Politicians worldwide saying that we are in a recession, and this will go over into 2010 and 2011 from the sound of things. We in Jamaica are having some serious fall-outs, our Bauxite and Sugar Industry has been devastated, Tourism is struggling to survive and workers are losing jobs as companies compensate for loss revenue by cutting expenses.

My year has been difficult both personally and professionally as my job is directly impacted by how well the economy is doing. Antoinette and I faced the challenges of 2009 together, we discussed issues both positive and negative and I continued learning that sharing the burden really helps. She has been an inspiration and my strength when the going has been tough.

2010 offers a new challenge as we are worried about how our shrinking economy will affect our career and what social upheavals may result from a shrinking of the national economic resources. We already have problem with rampant crime and there is a possibility that it will get worse the longer the recession continues.

Personally I am prepared to meet any and all challenges in my job and to conquer it. I also need to pay more attention to Antoinette's business and try to help her as much as possible. I started getting a lot more active physically so I can get in shape and will continue in that quest and will post my progress, thoughts, ideas here more frequently.

To all my friends and family - Have a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous 2010.

Eat, drink and have sex, und sex, und sex, und sex ..........................:)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Port Royal - Here I come again !

Ye Old Bar - Port Royal, Jamaica

Back in the saddle again.

Went out today and did 12.3 miles, the same distance I did 3 weeks ago before getting sick.

The morning started out routinely, up at a little after 4:30am for a cup of tea and some crackers, getting ready and out the door at about 5:15am for the drive into Kingston. For some strange reason I couldn't get through to Wilson, normally I would hear from him early.

Arrived at 6:15am and got ready right away and hit the road all by myself. As usual while riding by myself I found that I was pushing myself harder than usual, no problem I thought, if I get tired I will just lower the pace and try to catch my breath, and that is exactly what I did, steady pace into Port Royal. I was very surprised that I had reached there so quickly and took only 5 minutes to get a drink and massage Robbie and the twins back to life.

Betsy parked accross the road from
Ye Old Bar

The journey back was a little more difficult as I continued pushing myself a little faster than usual and the last mile to the car really did me in, but I stuck it out like a Champ. There were a lot of people on the road today as there was a Walk-a-ton in progress, they didn't travel along the Port Royal road so they didn't really get in my way until I was driving back home. It was wonderful seeing dozens of people walking aggressively in the hot sun working up a sweat.

I felt good today, I didn't ride further than I did 3 weeks ago but I know I did it at a faster pace than before and most importantly I didn't have Wilson there pushing me, I did it all on my own.

November 2009

Last Ride - 12.3 miles

Total Ride for the Month - 12.3 miles

Target miles for November - 60 miles

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Being Sick Really Sucks

Last week I got sick, very sick.

I was so pumped up after doing over 12 miles on October 31, that I was prepared to repeat the process and just "keep on keeping it on". I wanted to use the achievement as motivation to ride a little bit harder and little bit longer, and believe me nothing motivates more than success.

Last Friday was different, instead of my regular job of being on the road all day, I ended up in a meeting all day. During the afternoon I developed a cough that seem to be getting worse as the evening wore on. I was concerned, the cough was pretty dry but there seemed to be no particular reason for it as I had not eaten anything unusual or been in a dusty environment. Later on my better half asked me to pick up her nephew Joel and take him home as she was busy at her office. My coughing continued all the way home.

At home I went about my Friday evening routine, setting water and Gatorade in the freezer, laying out my riding clothes, getting the bicycle in my car, etc. I was still coughing but was determined to ride early in the morning before heading off to the monthly Sales Meeting at work. At about 10pm I suddenly felt my sinus clogging up, my throat getting dry and a few aches and pains coming on very quickly. withing an hour I was almost totally incapacitated with a terrible headache, a clogged sinus and a constant coughing that irritated the hell out of me.

The long and short of it is that by Saturday morning I was totally useless and that continued right into this week, I had a full blown cold, with clogged sinus, running a temperature and felt very weak. By Wednesday I was in my doctor's office because while I had started to feel better I had a wheezing on my chest that sounded like trouble. My doctor put me on a nebulizer (my first time on one) and ended up sending me home for the rest of the weeks with very strong antibiotics to clear up a serious chest infection with orders to stay off the bike until I had fully recovered.

This week has been torture, everytime I inhale deeply I feel a tightness in my chest and that usually triggers a coughing fit. I am a bit worried about that and hope its not something else developing (Asthma perhaps). In the meantime I have been religiously taking my medication and getting a lot of rest and spending a lot of time with Grandma who just came back from a 6 month long sojourn in the Great White North. (that's Canada for those of you not in the know)

I really am looking forward to next week as I do'nt want this to be a very long break from riding.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Journey of 142 miles begins here

Go to someone has a
great sense of humor about a middle age fella
on a bike trying to get fit (Sounds familiar eh ?)
Cartoon copyright to John Griffiths

After finding various excuses for not doing my Saturday morning rides all of this month, I finally just said "to heck with it". All the reasons I have had were just excuses not to haul my ass out of bed at 4:30am to eat and get myself down to Palisadoes to ride to Port Royal and back.

Last night I blew off some co-workers who wanted to go for an after-work drink (they ended up cancelling anyway) dragged my carcass to bed by midnight and was up at 4:40am just before the alarm went off. I had put my bike in the car already and just needed to eat, dress and head out. I left 15 or so minutes too late as Australia was batting in the second ODI v India and I got caught up.

At the intersection of Old Hope Road and Mountainview Avenue I saw about 25 or so cyclists setting off for Port Royal and I continued on, making one stop at the gas station at Harbour View to pump up my tyres. Wilson arrived 10 minutes after me and I rode off before him knowing that if I was going to try and do over 10 miles today, I would have to pace myself. I had half of an orange and some water before taking off, I need to carry a banana and oranges next time to help keep the energy levels up.

The ride was great, there were two rather fetching young ladies on mountain bikes ahead of me and I sure as hell didnt want to stop hacking and wheezing anywhere near them - oh the embarrassment would have been devastating. Wilson caught up with me after the first mile and we talked as we rode on and on. I followed his advice of riding slow and steady as he was of the opinion that I was being too aggressive just starting out and needed to give my body time to adjust to the workload. We kept up a decent pace, passed the rather fetching young ladies and to my delight made it all the way to Port Royal without stopping. It felt great !!

We spent 5 minutes, with me catching my breath, sipping on water and gatorade and then we started the journey back. The sun was up in all its glory and the heat was getting fierce. The ride back was challenging, mostly because some pressure is placed on the arms, hands and shoulder when riding a road bike. On reaching back to the starting point we just continued onwards towards the airport. Now that was an experience - the road is relatively new and smooth like my wife's ......... er, smooth like a baby's butt (yeah, thats it !) and I was able to really sprint down towards the roundabout. Another quick stop for water and to check the if the sausage and beans were ok after being squashed all morning on the seat, and it was back to the vehicles.

Clocking the distance revealed that I had ridden for a total of 12.3 miles over the course of about 1 1/2 hour which works out to 7.31 minutes per mile (inclusive of 2 water breaks). Now that I have finally conquered Port Royal and back I will try to increase my speed a little more every week until I can do it relatively easily, then it would be time to increase the workload.

A quote from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu (604 - 531 BC) says "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", my quote is "The Journey to Negril of 142 miles begins with this initial 12.3 miles)

October 2009

Last Ride - 12.3 miles

Total Ride for month - 19.38 miles

Target Miles for November 2009 - 60 miles

Friday, October 16, 2009

One Year from Now I will Ride in the Kingston to Negril

Is this an unreasonable goal ?

I have gotten my ride and just started back, my first ride was torture and I wasnt able to ride last weekend because my partner's son was sick.

I tried riding up here one morning and got cold feet from all the passing cars, trucks, buses, etc. but I will try again and hopefully will improve as I am still a bit unsteady on the bike.

I am sure I mentioned in an earlier blog entry a friend of mine - Paul Goldson, who was one of the first person in Jamaica to attempt the Kingston to Negil ride and complete it successfully. I know that he's still an avid cyclist and recently came across his website On it he promotes the annual Kingston to Negril ride with proceeds going to the Intensive Care Unit at the University of the West Indies Hospital and the Sir John Golding Foundation.

The ride is 140 miles and takes a south coast route through St. Catherine, Clarendon, up the steep hill to Mandeville, down the other side to St. Elizabeth and on into Westmoreland and is a test of man working in tandem with machine, battling against the elements and the limitations of the human body and spirit.

Right now I am putting my stuff together to go riding tomorrow morning and hope to really take it easy. I seem to have a habit of going a bit too aggressively and running out of steam quickly. I need to take it very easy and try to go beyond the 7 miles I did week before last. I can also get additional exercise by going walking in the mornings with Antoinette. She was always a very fit person and walked rings around us once when we went "hill climbing" a couple years ago. she was laid up recently after doing a minor surgery and wants to get back active very quickly.

The Kingston to Negril Ride is my long-term one year goal. My immediate goal is to be able to ride 50 miles 6 months from now. Not unheard of as I have read of quite a few people who have done more than that in less time. Little goals first - tomorrow - 10 miles hopefully.

Make no bones about it, i have to succeed. I have a soda habit to kick, a more active lifestyle to get used to and 50 lbs (mostly around my gut) to lose.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'm back in the saddle again...........

Yep, I am humming that old Gene Autrey song (or was it Roy Rogers ?) while feeling the aches and pains associated with my first ride in months.

If you have been following my blog, you will know that I started riding back in May and did a few circuits before getting rid of the bike in June as it was too small and I wanted a decent roadie. Well this morning I had my first ride on my road bike and I will probably never go back to a mountain bike type ever again. I was a little unsteady at first but I adjusted quickly and was able to get into a decent rhythm very quickly. My shoulders ached, my hands hurt and my neck complained but I know it will take a while for my body to adjust to the position and the weight placed on my hands and shoulders.

We started off very late this morning. I was up at 4am and made it to Harbour View before 5, unfortunately Wayne's son was sick and he had to look after him before heading out. We didnt start to prepare for the ride at the airport round-a-bout until about 6. Then the pump would not work, we spent the better part of half an hour trying to borrow a pump or use a little crappy hand pump that came with the bike, but no such luck, eventually I went off to the gas station in Harbour View and fortunately one of them had an air hose attached.

It was 7am and already very hot, but I was determined to ride, and I did just that. I clocked 7.08 miles before I nearly collapsed in exhaustion. As usual there were a lot of encouragement from the riders who passed me and while on a stop to get the blood flowing to the sausage and beans, Danville Walker head of the Customs Department rode past and advised me jokingly to be careful of crocodiles as they had been known to eat a cyclist or 2 out there.

I am happy to be back riding and intend to really take it seriously. I intend the first 5-10 rides to be very casual, getting a feel for the bike and helping my body to adjust. The first thing I will do though is to change the seat as my sausage and beans are still complaining about the abuse I put them through this morning.

October 2009

Mileage Clock - 7.08 miles

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My New Bicycle is here

It's here, I just picked it up and I am so excited.

It's about time, my break from bicycling was just too long. I stopped back in the first week of June and had every intention of starting back quickly. I can blame it on my moving house, taking a while to properly settle in, getting Evan to buy it and arrange shipping, etc. Fact is I was busy with all the above plus some serious work that piled up on me. But I was determined to not give up on my quest to get fit and to generally lead a better lifestyle.

I am taking it in to a bicycle shop tomorrow to get it put together and adjusted for my height and on Saturday morning at 4AM I will be driving out to meet up with Wayne to test ride this baby. The longest I had ridden before was 7.5 miles. I dont know how I will do Saturday morning as I have done very little exercising since June and will probably get winded very early. The wheels on this bike is much larger than on my previous bike, so I should get more distance with the same effort.

So here I am again - off on an quest (after an interruption) to get my body weight down from 250lbs to 190 lbs.

Wish me luck, give me your support, encourage me and let us see how much I lose by December 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

Mileage Clock = 0

Saturday, September 26, 2009

6 More Movies You Didn't Know Were Comic Books

I have been on vacation this week getting some well needed rest, spending some quality time with my wife, watching some movies and most importantly reading some comic books.

This morning while watching cricket (West Indies v Australia) and browsing the net, I realized that there were a lot more movies that you would never thought were comic books. 2 of the 6 movies I will be listing should still be showing at the Cinema and both have well known stars in the lead.

1. The Surrogates

Written by newcomer Robert Venditti with art by Brett Weldele,

The year is 2054, and life is reduced to a data feed. The fusing of virtual reality and cybernetics has ushered in the era of the personal surrogate, android substitutes that let users interact with the world without ever leaving their homes. It's a perfect world, and it's up to Detectives Harvey Greer and Pete Ford of the Metro Police Department to keep it that way. But to do so they’ll need to stop a techno-terrorist bent on returning society to a time when people lived their lives instead of merely experiencing them.

The Surrogates is a story about progress and whether there exists a tipping point at which technological advancement will stop enhancing and start hindering our lives. It is also a commentary on identity, the Western obsession with physical appearance, and the growing trend to use science as a means of providing consumers with beauty on demand.

The movie stars Bruce Willis and opened just this week to very good reviews. Robert Venditti broke into comic accidentally and worked with Top Shelf Publishing packing orders before writing his first comic book. A creative writing graduate he delayed moving back to Florida to try his hand at writing in Atlanta and having completed the 5 issue series in 2004 had to wait just 5 more years to see his work adapted for the big screen.

I have read the first issue of Surrogates and am dying to read the other 4.

2. Whiteout

Whiteout is a trade paperback collecting the story of Deputy U.S. Marshal Carrie Stetko, sent to Antarctica to solve a murder. It's written by Greg Rucka, drawn by Steve Lieber, and published by Oni Press.

Rucka a well-known crime novelist, has been writing comic books for the 10 years and has written Batman and Wonder Woman. Steve Lieber has had runs on Detective Comics and Hawkman and his and Rucka's sequel Whiteout: Melt has won an Eisner award.

Kate Beckingsale star in the movie adaptation and she must investigate and try to solve a murder within three days before the Antarctic winter begins. She crosses paths with a U.N. operative (Gabriel Macht), also investigating the murder.She must chase down suspects and find more murders. Early in the story, Steko is attacked by the killer and left for dead in a storm. She saves herself but loses two fingers due to severe cold-related injuries.

The movie makes some changes from the comic book but both can be enjoyed and appreciated.

3. Timecop

Perhaps the only movie starring Jean-Claude Van Damme that I can watch without gagging, Time Cop tells the story of a future (2004) where time travel is possible. Van Damme plays a Time Enforcement Agent, part of a specialized police organization. He is conflicted, because he knows it is possible to prevent his wife's death, but his job as a Time Enforcement Agent prevents him from acting on such a prevention.

Timecop remains Van Damme's highest grossing film (breaking the $100,000,000 barrier for a worldwide gross). It was also regarded as one of Van Damme's better films by critics who usually derided his acting ability.

There is still some controversy that Timecop was a comic book before it was a movie. The film and comic book were written by Mike Richardson founder and publisher of dark Horse Comics (Mark Verheiden co-wrote the film) and drawn by Ron Randall, but there is doubt over which came first - the film or the movie. I am going own this though as it was written by 2 comic book guys.

4. The Mask

The Mask is a very popular Dark Horse comic book series created by writer John Arcudi and artist Doug Mahnke, and based on a concept by publisher Mike Richardson.

The series follows a magical mask which imbues the wearer with reality-bending power and physical imperviousness, as well as bypassing the wearer's psychological inhibitions. It was adapted into the 1994 film The Mask, starring Jim Carrey, which was followed by an animated television series, and a 2005 sequel Son of the Mask.

In the original comic stories characters who wore the Mask would become dangerous antiheroes with ultra-violent tendencies, even if this was not the original intention of those using its power. When adapted into a film, the violence was toned down to make The Mask only as dangerous as the wearer. The Mask #1-4 follows the adventures of Stanley Ipkiss, but unlike the movie goes off in a totally different direction and is worth reading.

A very young Jim Carrey is hilarious as The Mask and this movie probably leaves its mark in movie history as the film that debuts Cameron Diaz.

5. Wanted

Wanted was written by Mark Millar and drawn by J.G. Jones and was published as a limited series by Top Cow Comics in 2003-2004.

It tells the story of a World Without Superheroes. Back in 1986 (the year is significant as The Dark Knight Returns and The Watchmen were published then) Super-villains the world over organized themselves and using teamwork eliminated all Superheroes, making the world more "dark and grittier". People no longer remembered heroes, only as fiction and the world is ruled by The Fraternity - a cabal of leading Super-villains.

Wanted follows the adventures of wimp Wesley Gibson as he goes from harried office worker of no significance to finding out that he's the son of The Killer - a super assassin. He goes through a period of training, in which he is desensitized to violence and given license to fulfill every desire, including rape (which is referenced but not actually depicted), racially motivated violence and arbitrary murder. As a member of the fraternity, Wesley is promised a consequence-free lifestyle; as such, merely displaying his membership pin to any law enforcement agent gives him a free pass on any crime, whether it is murder or a parking ticket.

The movie Wanted departs from the main plots containing Super Villains and uses Super Assassins instead and introduces nonsense such as "curving bullets" and getting lists of people to be killed from a "Loom of Fate". This does not distract from it being a very good action movie that did extremely well at the box office.

Well worth watching, but more importantly to get the real deal - well worth reading.

6. Men in Black

The Men In Black was a 3 issue limited series created and written by Lowell Cunningham and illustrated by Canadian Sandy Carruthers and published by Aircel Comics in 1990. Aircel was acquired by Malibu Comics who themselves were later bought by Marvel Comics.

The Men In Black are a secret Organization responsible for the monitoring and suppression (most times violent) of paranormal activity on earth (aliens, demons, mutants, etc.) while keeping the populace ignorant of any shenanigans. An agent will use any means necessary, including murder and destruction, to accomplish a mission. All agents sever every tie with their former lives, and as far as the world is concerned, they do not exist. Agents who go rogue are hunted down and eliminated.

The movie starring Will Smith (coming off the hugely successful Independence Day and Fresh Prince of Bel Air) and Tommy Lee Jones makes changes to the Organization as it merely police and monitor extraterrestrial activity using memory erasing devices instead of just eliminating witnesses.

The Men In Black never became a hit as a comic book but the movie generated a movie sequel and an animation series.

There you have it, 6 more movies that were comic books before they were films (well maybe not Timecop)

My roadie should be here by next week, so hopefully I will be posting again about Cycling and trying to get fit.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

8 Movie You Didnt Know Were Comic Books - Part 2

In my post yesterday I spoke about 4 movies revered by movie fans that had its' Secret Origins as comic books. A lot of people still think that comic books are juvenile crap produced for the barely literate, when in fact comic books has been a legitimate and respected sub-genre of literature for decades. Many current Hollywood writers, producers and directors sight the seminal works of Will Eisner, Frank Miller, Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman as inspirations that led them along the path of storytelling and film making.

Of course for every great comic book movie produced, we have had maybe 5 or 6 crappy movies but that is a discussion for another time. Let us now look at 4 more movies that fans in general would not have linked to a bleeding comic book

5. From Hell

It is 1888 in Whitecahappel England, and the poor live in squalor and fear as they are hunted by Jack The Ripper.

Starring Johnny Depp, Heather Graham, Robbie Coltraine and Ian Holm, this movie chronicles the life of Inspector Fred Abberline a brilliant opium addicted policeman who uses his psychic visions to aid in his work.

In the graphic novel written by Alan Moore (him again !) and artist Eddie Campbell, Abberline is a different character than the one portrayed by Depp, Abberline is middle aged, married and is assisted by an opium addicted physic. Moore uses actual historical records in writing his story and all the characters in the books are historically accurate.

The film turns the whole story into a "whodonit" but the graphic novel specifically states who Jack the Ripper is, and what a shocker it turns out to be. Moore speculates that the Jack the Ripper murders were a cover-up to hide a royal scandal - an illegitimate baby fathered by Prince Albert Victor the Duke of Clarence and that royal physician Sir William Gull tasked by the Queen to kill everyone with the knowledge, was Jack the Ripper.

While the people used were real, and Moore and Campbell spent hours researching hundreds of historical documents, Moore himself has stated that his story is a hypothesis of what happened and that this hypothesis has been disproved over the years but it did make for an interesting story.

If you ever have the opportunity of reading the book, please do so, as the movie has absolutely nothing over it.

6. 300

In 2007 people went ape crap over a movie based on the Greek legend of King Leonidis of Sparta at The Battle of Thermopylae, who along with his army of 300 men held off the combined might of Xherxes and the invading Persian army from over running Greece.

Comic book legend Frank Miller uses double spread pages throughout the entire book and his wife at the time Lyn Varley provided the lush colours that made the art really jump up off the page. Miller has been criticized for taking liberties with accuracy but his approach to the story is more theatrical portrayal rather than a historical battle.

While movie goers were oogling the rippling bodies of the Spartans, marvelling at the technology used to provide the unique colours and singing the praises of director Zack Synder, comic book fans were laughing to themselves quietly, realizing that Snider reproduced the entire comic book merely panel by panel and thus the movie is an exact duplicate of the comic book.

7. A History of Violence

A History of Violence was nominated for 2 Academy Awards, one for Best Adapted Screenplay and one for Best Supporting Actor - William Hurt.

It starred Viggo Mortensen as a small town diner owner who kills two robbers in self defense and becomes a bit of a celebrity. When confronted by someone from his violent past, Stall has to admit to his family who he is and why he ran away from his former life. Forced to confront unresolved issues, Stall returns to Philadelphia and deals viciously with outstanding issues before returning to home to his wife and kid.

The graphic novel written by John Wagner and illustrated by Vince Locke was turned into a movie with intelligence and insight and should encourage movie makers to continue to pay proper respect to the source material.

The film ends suddenly which might annoy some viewers, but the Director using a minimalistic approach leaves enough for you to conclude what happens next.

A wonderful movie that is worth seeing again and again.

8. Road to Perdition

I remember seeing this movie years ago and was just blown away by it. It had drama, action and intrigue, a fantastic and intelligently written plot and starred Tom Hanks at the heights of his career.

Mystery writer and former Dick Tracey chronicler Max Alan Collins along with artist Richard Piers Rayner produces an enthralling crime noir about revenge, morality and family loyalty. Michael O'Sullivan is a deeply religious enforcer for an Irish mob family. When O'Sullivan's son witnesses one of his father's hits, the Godfather orders the death of the entire family.

Barely surviving an encounter that takes his wife and youngest son, O'Sullivan and his only remaining child embark on a dark and violent mission of retribution against his former boss. Featuring accurate portrayals of Al Capone, Frank Nitti, and Eliot Ness, this book offers a poignant look at the relationship between a morally conflicted father and his adolescent son who both fears and worships him.

Directed by Sam Mendes, Hanks is joined by Paul Newman, Jude Law and Daniel Craig to help this comic book movie adaptation to 6 Academy Awards nominations for 2002 (It won for Best Cinematography)

The Road to Perdition holds a special place in my heart and blatantly shows along with the other 7 comic book movies listed above that comic books have to come to an age of literary and critical maturity and with the current slate of comic book movies currently in production, expect to see many more, whether the long underwear variety or not.

Friday, September 11, 2009

8 Movies You Did'nt Know Were Comic Books - Part 1

On my last post I shouted from the top of the mountain that I love comic books. I had read them from the late 70s onwards and never really left them behind. The magic and excitement I get from viewing a story graphically is very different from the experience of reading novels (which I have also read a lot of) or watching movies. If there is a good book in my hands there is very little that could draw me away to watch a movie.

Of course people will scoff at my love for comics not realizing that Hollywood and television has been mining comic books for original story ideas for decades. Live action TV shows based on Superman, Batman, The Green Hornet, The Human Target, The Incredible Hulk, The Flash (blink and you would have missed that one) Wonder Woman, Smallville, plus numerous animated series.

In this post I will list 8 movies that many people would never have known were originally comic books.

1. 30 Days Of Night

Ok I will admit that it doesn't take a hell of a lot to scare the crap out of me, but the movie adaptation of Steven Niles and Ben Templesmith's comic book published by IDW, about the horrors the residents of Barrow, Alaska go through when a group of vampires have 30 days of total darkness to snack on as much food (people) as they can.

Pretty-boy Josh Hartnett does a good job portraying Barrow sheriff Eben Olemaun and shows us the sacrifices that both himself and his wife Stella make to ensure that there are survivors to spread the word on exactly what happened to the town during that dreadful month.

I have read online that 30 Days was originally an unsuccessful "film pitch" that was re-worked by Niles as a comic book which proved to be very popular among fans and critics. Fans of the film though probably dont even know that there are "horror comics"

2. Constantine

He's definitely not American and looks nothing like Keanu Reeves. He's blond, he's English, curses a lot, and always dying for a fag (British for wanting to smoke a cigarette)

John Constantine was created by comic book legend Alan Moore in the pages of Swamp Thing during his amazing run in the 1980s. He went on to star in his own contemporary horror comic book titled Hellbaiser published by DC Comics imprint Vertigo.

The comic series is set in a world without superheroes where Constantine is a street-wise magician/occultist with penchant for getting himself in trouble with very powerful demons while helping people. He's known as a cocky arrogant bastard who relies on his wit, deceit, guile and ingenuity to get him out of trouble and has lost many friends/lovers/assistants who are usually collateral losses.

The movie has Constantine going up against the agents of Heaven and Hell and surviving the wrath to be had for daring to go where he's not wanted and surviving, and is a decent adaptation of a very good comic book (if you can ignore the American accent, pretty-boy Keanu, etc.)

3. Blade

Blade the Vampire Hunter made his debut in the Marvel comic book hit Tomb of Dracula and was created by Marv Wolfman (creator of The New Teen Titans) and Gene Colan.

Brought in as a supporting character, he made a few appearances over the years in various titles and never really broke out as a star.

The action packed movie starring Wesley Snipes made him a favourite among movie goers, but 2 subsequent successful sequels co-starring Kris Kristofferson, Ryan Reynolds and the ultra hot babe-elicious Jessica Biel and a short lived television series still wasnt enough to gain him popularity to maintain an on-going comic book series.

Action movie junkies would never in their wildest dreams thought that their cool new hero had his beginnings in a comic book.

4. V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta was a 10 issue series created and written by British writer Alan Moore (that name again) and British artist David Lloyd and told the story of a dystopian future United Kingdom ruled by a totalitarian Government.

Alan Moore was inspired by the political climate in Britian in the early 80s and predicted that Margret Tatcher's Conservative Government would be defeated in the 1983 elections leading to an incoming Labour Government committing England to a total removal of all nuclear arms thus resulting in the country being spared decimation during an impending exchange.

Moore could see facist elements subverting a post-holocaust England and the need for an Anarchist revolutionary dressed in a Guy Falkes mask begin a well-planned, theatrical campaign to take down the government.

A movie starring Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, Stehen Rea and John Hurt was accepted by movie goers world wide who saw it as very original, and despite having a character prancing around in a mask and a cape and waxing poetically, many never realized that they were watching a story from a damn comic book.

Note to readers - Google Guy Falkes

More to come

Friday, September 4, 2009

I Love Comic Books

I read a lot

My earliest recollections of reading is with my Grandmother, she's a Jehovah's Witness and she used to read My Book of Bible Stories to me as a kid, and I read along with her. Mom fed the habit by buying comic books for me everytime she went to the grocery store, and I just read everything that I could get my hands on.

Hardy Boys were book produced to be read by 10-14 year olds or so it said on the back of the book, I had read most of them by age 11 and had graduated onto more "meaty" material, but I still read comic books. I found that the graphic interpretation of a story fascinated me to no ends. I love movies and music but I loved reading more and will miss watching the latest blockbuster if my subscription comes in on the same day. Of course this love affair with comic books also led me to a love affair with art and comic book art in particular.

I am a "DC" guy, most of my friends are "Marvel" zombies and swear by their books, but my first comics were Superman and Batman, and that just stayed with me, I love a few Marvel book - Daredevil and Captain America to name a few and years ago when it still made sense I was an avid fan of The Uncanny X-Men.

I have never hid my love for comic books from anyone and laugh to myself when I see people going crazy over movies like 300, The Road to Perdition, Men in Black, Wanted, The Mask (ok, maybe nobody's not going crazy over this one), Constantine, V for Vendetta, Blade, Time Cop, From Hell, etc. I read them years ago when they were originally produced in comic book form.
Television shows like 24, Heroes, Smallville all use comic book style of writing, (well they are inspired by comic books) and comic book writers are now invading mainstream television shows (Ed Brubaker, Neil Gaiman, Frank Miller).
The move is actually both ways as movie/tv writers like Jeph Loeb (Commando), JM Straczynski (Babylon 5, Changeling) Bob Gayle (Back to the Future) and Kevin Smith (Chasing Amy, Mallrat, Dogma) have been very succesful writing comics

A recent word that has entered the vacabulary of everyone is "graphic novel", I hate that word. A graphic novel is a name used to try to "de-ghettoise" the fact that a graphic novel is just one fat and meaty COMIC BOOK.

So what is the point of this post ? (you might be asking while scratching your head)

There is none, I just felt like ranting a little, work has been stressful as usual and I start back school on the weekend.
I love comic books, I love reading, I love art (comic book, life drawing, Rockwell, Wyeth, etc)

I love it !!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jamaica at the 12th IAAF Championship - Part 2

Let me start out by saying nothing can take away from the fact that Usain Bolt deserves all the congratulations and accolades that are being offered. He is a phenomenal athlete who in time will probably go down as the best ever. I cheered along with everyone else wanting him to beat the world records, we werent worried about Tyson Gaye beating him, we knew that would not happen. We were cheering Asafa Powell to beat Gaye, and for Steve Mullings to also medal in the 200M.
Three athletes however struck a deep chord with this writer and their victories meant more to me than anything else.


This young lady won the 100M at the Jamaica Trials and went on to win Gold at the 2009 Olympics in Beijing and yet the discussion in Jamaica was always "Kerron can beat Shelly, Kerron is faster, Kerron will win Gold in Berlin". I never once believed that Kerron Stewart would beat Shelly-Ann Fraser. Taking nothing away from Kerron who has done extremely well on the European circuit and as far as I know is still unbeaten in the 100M, but the determination that I saw on this young lady's face and the pure unadulterated joy in her celebration will stay with me for a long time.

Shelly obviously doesnt have the "top end" speed that Kerron Stewart and others have, but her lightning quick start is her weapon and she uses it unmercilessly. I am sure she has heard all the discussions around her, all the predictions that she will be beaten by Kerron Stewart and she could have allowed that to affect her, but she hasnt. She took to the track and did what she did best "Get a lightning fast start and then hang on for dear life".

I was not surprised when she won the Gold - Congratulations Shelly Ann Fraser.


Melanie Walker can be easily described as "the people's champion". She's the one who when being interviewed calmly and comfortably drops into the Jamaican vernacular and speaks her mind. Take nothing away from Kerron, Usain or Shelly-Ann's interviewing skills but Melanie always first and foremost call out to all the "ghetto people dem from Maxfield Avenue" and inspires them with her words to "hold their heads up and strive for what you want in life".

TVJ got her on the telephone just after her win and asked her what would she say to inspire people looking on and everybody in the office at the time stood transfixed, there was the ocassional snicker when she used "raw ghetto slang" but there was almost not one dry eye when she was finished and I felt pretty damn inspired after listening to her.

She's a true champion who ran an exceptional race in the Olympics and who came to Berlin and out ran an athlete who everyone expected to beat her. Again, I had no such doubt, I knew she would have won. Jamaicans, no matter if they are from Maxfield, Waterhouse, Tivoli Gardens, Rema or Liguanea and Manor Park all love winning.

Congratulations to Melanie Walker - The People's Champion


Brigitte Foster-Hylton for me is the athlete that inspired me most. Similar to Veronica Campbell (another favourite of mine) she has gone out year after year and done her best. There have been times when she has been injured at critical times, lost her rhythm in the finals or just not run well enough to win and she has never complained and gotten bitter over it.

She stuck it out through a period in time when it was obvious that they were competing against athletes who were getting medical assistance and this situation caused the retirement of hurdler Gillian Russel (another favourite of mine) way to early in her promising career, Brigitte soldered on, determined to be a champion.

After disappointment in Beijing, Brigitte decided to retire, but was convinced by her coach to give it one more try and this time was the charm. At 34 years old she ran the race of her life and won. In an era of the 22 years old Champion, she's an inspiration for people like me who left 22 years old nearly two decades ago.

I cried when she won that race. I cried in joy for Brigitte and Deloreen Ennis-London who won bronze, I cried for Michelle Freeman, Gillian Russel, Grace Jackson, Merlene Ottey and others who would have mined Gold a long time ago if the playing field had been level.

Jamaica comes away from these games with 13 medals, and most importantly with inspiration. A whole new generation of athletes are being inspired by what is happening now and are training 6 days a week for hours on end, so that they can emulate their heroes, so they can be like Usain or Asafa or Melanie or Shelly-Ann or Kerron or Shericka, etc. etc.

Jamaica at the 12th IAAF Championship

I am sure that this is an event that Jamaicans both at home and away have been following for the past 9 days. We are a country that is slightly smaller than the state of Connecticut yet we have been able to produce sportsmen/women and academics who have risen to the pinnacle of their chosen profession. Bob Marley is a name that is easily recognised all over the world and is on parr with Cocoa-Cola, Mickey Mouse, Superman and Tarzan as names that transcends languages.

Jamaica has been winning medals at world games since the 1930s and really came of age in 1948 Olympics when Arthur Wint won our firts Gold Medal. Later on in Helsinki in 1952 Wint, Les Laing, HerbMcKinley and George Rhoden teamed up for gold in the 4X400M relay and led the charge that had Jamaica reaching 13th on the medal table.

Lennox Miller (father of American sprinter Inger Miller), Donald Quarrie, Merlene Ottey, Grace Jackson, Juliet Cuthbert, Bert Cameron, Ray Stewart, Beverly McDonald, Winthrop Graham, Deon Hemmings, James Beckford, Sandie Richards, Michelle Freeman, Lorraine Fenton and many others that I am not remembering now are some of those who became world beaters or who at least challeneged for the titles. We followed their exploits cheering them on in victory and commiserating with them in defeat.

We were the perenial challengers and runners-ups to the United States and during the late 80s words started filtering out in many circles about athletes using performance enhancing drugs. Throughout the 90s and into the new millennium technology caught up with many drug cheats and slowly but surely the playing field finally levelled and Jamaica started winning GOLD MEDALS galore.


Usain Bolt stormed the athletics world like a category 5 hurricane breaking records and winning hearts with his playful antics and I am sure driving the US Athletic Association into perpetual insomnia. To Jamaicans who follow atheltics from the high school level, we were extremly surprised but now shocked. We all knew that Usain Bolt would have been a world beater, we just didnt know how complete his victories would be. I want to give kudos to Usain Bolt for his double record breaking run and congratulate all the athletes who competed and helped Jamaica to 2'nd place on the medal tables with:

Gold - 7
Silver - 4
Bronze - 2

Total - 13

behind the USA who had 22 medals overall (10 Gold, 6 Silver, 6 Bronze)

As I sit here watching the closing ceremonies I reflect on the performances over the past 9 days and realise that certain performances have had a more profound effect on me than others and as great as Usain Bolt's runs have been, those are not the ones that have brought a tear to my eye.

more to come

Congratulations to all the Athletes in Berlin, Germany. Those who competed and won, those who competed and didnt, and those that trained with the team and offered support (Hello Sherone Simpson - hope to see you running soon)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Looking Good at 60

I have not started riding again and I have only myself to blame.

We moved back in June and it has taken a while to adjust to the new location. It is not very far from Kingston, it just seems far because of the hills that I have to climb to get home. I have noticed though that although the cars, buses and trucks all travel at a zillion miles per hour up here, that doesnt stop peeps from riding.

I still havent replaced my bicycle yet (can you say pro-cras-ti-nation) I have a couple hundred US dollars in my paypal account and I have found a very basic road bicycle on amazon, so I will go with that. I am ordering it this week and will start back when it arrives. If I am going to ride up here I will have to get used to traffic on the road and will have many little hills to tackle, and leave the 10 mile run in Kingston for Saturday and Sunday mornings.

As for the title of this post, I ran into a friend of mine today, we used to work out together 10-12 years ago, he continued working out, and even openned a bodybuilding supplememt business and I let it all go to hell. He's trim, looks good and is 60 IN DECEMBER. I could not believe it, it is obvious that he dyes his hair but he's trim, his arms bulges and he looks damn good. Very simple he said "Eat right and work out hard"

He likes the fact that I am riding (will start back soon, I promise) and invited me to visit him at his store on a Saturday when he's working so we can discuss diet.

I think I will take him up on that.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Unintentional Break from Training

I am on an enforced break.

I moved over the weekend and am busy setting up house, overseeing painting, closets, etc. actually Antoinette is busy overseeing everything, my input is a grunt every now and then when she asks me something. :)

My better half is much more capable of choosing paint and decor for the house as my sense of fashion resides in my ass. I am as capable as a 4 year old when it comes to stuff like that, I mean up until a couple years ago I thought peach was just a fruit, who know it was also a colour ???

With the move comes the problem of deciding where and when to ride. Living in Kingston I could ride along the Palisadoes strip which gave me an uniterrupted 10 mile stretch with little or no traffic, where I am now is hill and gully with a main road as the only road that you can cycle on, with a hell of a lot more traffic (cars, buses, trucks, etc) far more dangerous.

I sold my bicycle to my co-worker and decided to buy Wayne's Bike, but sounded a bit unsure as I wanted to build my own road bike, when I finally decided that the road bike was probably another 9 months away, Wayne had already sold it to someone else.

So now the hunt is on, I am looking for a frame to build on.

I will you all updated as I go along.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Big Dose of Reality

It's going to be very hard work.

Yes it is....

The human body is an ungrateful creature, laze around for a couple of years stressing out on the job, school, life in general. Watch a lot of cricket, movies, whatever, while snacking on your favourite snack and what happens ?? you find yourself at 250 lbs, I mean how unfair is that ????

I went riding last night and learned a very valuable lesson - DO NOT RIDE IN THE EVENINGS ON THE PORT ROYAL ROAD. "Why ?" you may ask, "because of the bloody wind !!" says I.

I did a 5 miles this evening and it was torture. First I started out late and had only gone about half the distance when the sun just took a quick dip below the horizon, I swear, one minute it was there big and bright and the next, it was gone.I turned back quickly as I did not have any lights on the bicycle and wanted to get back before it got really dark, and that is when the problems really started.

Immediately on turning back I felt it, the wind was full blast on my face and the pedaling got very difficult. I soldiered on determined not to give up. I am sure I did between 10-12 minute going out and this was reduced to probably less than a quarter - IT WAS TORTURE. I made a quick stop to prevent a heart attack and continued onwards towards where I had parked. I nearly made it but ended up pushing the bicycle part of the way as the road had become completely dark and I didn't want to get hit off by passing traffic.

I arrived home to a proper teasing from my wife, who had insisted that I go out earlier, took a long cold shower and stretched my aching body for a good 15 minutes. My side and back ached fiercely as I was probably hunched over while battling against the wind. It taught me an important lesson though - it will take hard work to undo what years of neglect has brought on.

I am moving in another week or two and am setting up a small gym in my new digs. I already have a Bowflex and will augment with a bench and some dumbells. I love resistance training and am dying to really get back into weight lifting.

Target Miles for 2009 - 1,000 miles
Target Miles for May 2009 - 30 miles
Amount of Days Cycled so far - 4 days
Total Miles travelled - 19.35 miles
Total Miles Needed for Month - 10.65 miles

Target Miles for June 2009 - 150 miles

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Take these Broken Pedal ??

Oh man, I am so disappointed.

I went riding this morning again with Wayne and broke a pedal. Well not exactly break the pedal, it would seem that the guys who put together my bicycle didn't screw the pedals in properly and the right one had actually cross-threaded when going in, so the pressure I exerted on it this morning caused it to just come out.

I started out well this morning and by 5:15am we were off, Wayne decided to pace me and it worked. I settled into a nice rhythm and just kept on going and going and going. Last week I made about 4 stops (5 minutes each time) in doing 12.2KM (7.5miles) but this time I had only stopped once for about 2 minutes before passing the halfway mark of 6.2. I stopped briefly to get circulation back around the "family jewels" area and a drink and passed the spot I turned back at last week feeling very good. I knew I was nearing Port Royal and was determined to reach there and back for a grand total of 17.6 KM (10.93 miles) when, on reaching the 7.4 KM mark my foot flew off the pedal, or so I thought.

The pedal had come lose and despite help from other riders who stopped, it was hopeless getting it back on as it was cross-threaded pretty badly. I took a seat on a rock and watched the sea while Wayne rode on to Port Royal (I insisted he complete his ride) and then head on back for my van. A Lot of the riders inquired if I was ok as I waited and pretty soon Wayne was back and we were all packed up.

I am dropping off my ride at a cycle shop later on today for replacement pedal and to get it checked out by a professional. I want to know basic maintenance and also top get a small pouch so I can carry my wallet, cell phone and some Allen keys and such if I get into any problems.

I have asked Wayne to get a frame for a road bike for me, so I can start slowly putting together the parts. I want that to be my pet project over the next few months as I continue getting into shape. There is a Kingston to Negril 140 miles run later on in October and I really want to get up to speed enough to try and complete between 20-40 miles of if. I figure if I get in shape and increase my riding between now and October, I should be able to tackle 30 or 40 miles as I am on the cusp of doing 10 miles already.

That is my main motivator for the next 5 months.

I might also be changing my ride, my friend Veron wants to start riding and I might sell him mine and buy Wayne's Rambo. Wayne is now very comfortable with his road cycle and is putting his Rambo up for sale, it has been modified and is a whole lot lighter than my current ride.


Target Miles for 2009 - 1,000 miles
Target Miles for May 2009 - 30 miles
Amount of Days Cycled so far - 3 days
Total Miles travelled - 14.35 miles
Total Miles Needed for Month - 15.65 miles

Target Miles for June 2009 - 150 miles

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Star Trek: 2009

I have been a huge Star Trek Fan since seeing Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan sometime back in the late 90s. I am also an avid reader so I devoured the novels for about 5 years before falling away, losing a lot of interest during the time of DS9 and Voyager and the last 2 Next Generation movie.

Star Trek has been around since 1966 when Gene Roddenberry took his wild and wacky idea that in the future we would have moved beyond certain human tendencies that are dominant today and have established a world government, living peacefully at home, directing all our energies in exploring the galaxy and co-existing peacefully with other races. It was an amazing series and dealt with issues of war and peace, the value of personal loyalty, authoritarianism, imperialism, class warfare, economics, racism, religion, human rights, sexism and feminism, and the role of technology, but above all else it was just damn good television that made actors like William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForrest Kelly, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Walter Koenig and James Doohan househld names. Who in the world has'nt heard the expression "Beam Me Up Scotty!

The series was successful enough to last 3 years, but exploded in popularity when it went into syndication in the 70s and has since produced:
Six Movies with the Main Cast

  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • Star Trek V: The Final Fronteir
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
4 Spin Off Television Series

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation (87-94)
  • Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (93-99)
  • Star Trek: Voyager (95-01)
  • Star Trek: Enterprise (01-05)
4 Movies with the Next Generation Cast
  • Star Trek: Generations
  • Star Trek: First Contact
  • Star Trek: Insurrection
  • Star Trek: Nemesis

For a franchise that has not been afraid to push the envelope and evolve, why the need for a new movie bringing back the classic characters ?
Simply put - The franchise was dying. Like James Bond before it, like John Byrne's Superman relaunch in 1986, like Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Retuns, like Christian Bale's new Batman movies - every now and then a face-lift is needed.

Star Trek had gone through its various incarnations and with help from Rick Berman and company had progressively lost popularity. The tone had changed from the 60s - Kirk solving problems by jumping in head first and using his fists and/or phasers to solve a problem, to Jean-Luc-Picard's noble presence which demanded negotiation and rationale before taking action if necessary. It did not help that for every good Star Trek movie that was produced there were a few duds in the lot (Final Fronteir, Insurrection, Nemesis) and that also extended to the series (Enterprise).

I saw Star Trek on Saturday night and at the end of it I proudly proclaimed that the franchise has been reborn in the capable hands of JJ Abrams. Known for his Executive Producing popular TV series Alias, Fringe, Lost, Felicity and others, Abrams took up the task of re-introducing a Star Trek that would have mass appeal beyond the core supporters (Trekkers, Trekkies). His solution was to go back to beginning of James T. Kirk and crew members of the Enterprise and "re-tell" their first meeting and then to "take it from there....." He ran the risk of alienating millions of Star Trek fans worldwide and not attracting a wider audience and had to straddle a fine line in doing so. His solution to the problem was to do a time travel story and have the subsequent events branch off on a seperate timeline leaving the original intact.

I won't get into details about the plot and story, just to say that JJ Abrams delivered Star Trek on full warp drive with space battles and explosions and feeling of intense danger the likes of which have not been seen since Star trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. We no longer felt that the characters were sacred and changes were impossible.

Lenord Nimoy's appearance to hand over the batton to the new crew was handled well and his character was integral to the story, and while the discerning among us saw plot holes and coincidences large enough to drive a semi-trailer through, it did not distract enough to lessen the impact of the movie. The cast settled into their roles comfortably and I expect them to grow into the characters bringing their own unique personalities to bear in the near future.

Star Trek is back - Hip Hip Hooray !! JJ Abrams already has plans for Star Trek II sometime in 2011 and this is one Trekker who will be waiting with anticipation.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hit the Road Jack and dont you.............

give up no more no more no more !!!

I went riding this morning for the second time. My plans for riding around the block during the week got railroaded due to some very important issues that required a lot of time dealing with. I got up at 4:30am and got myself a cup of tea (Tetly and condensed milk) and a large glass of water, loaded up and headed out ariving at the destination at about 5:20am. Wayne showed up at the same time and we spent a little time adding 2 bottle holders to my bicycle and pumping tyres. Wayne had put together his road bicycle from various parts and it looked great but we had a problem, his front tyres were leaking so we had to patch tube. Knowing how slow I was and that sun would be a problem I started off leaving Wayne to do his patching.

Slow and steady was my motto with proper breathing. I was hydrated this time unlike last week and found the going easy enough. I kept at it, passing the spot where I turned back last week and kept on going. I made 2 stops heading out and going back mainly because a not so nice by-product of cycling is that you get cramped in the region of your "family jewels" and I would stop until the sensation comes back. Charlie and his 2 friends have been good to me my entire life and I intend to keep them alive and happy for another 20-30 years.

Today I did a whopping 12.2KM (7.58 miles) heading out and back a big improvement on the 7 Km (4.35 miles) I did on the first day considering that half of that 7Km was pushing the bike back. I was on the orad for a little over 90 minutues which translate to an average of 11.87 minutes per mile ? That's really pathetic, but I am not worried abut that right now. I could have kicked myself though as another 30 minutes of riding would have taken me right into Port Royal. I had 1 500ml bottle of water and one bottle of Gatorde to keep me company and that was enough to keep me hydrated.

I am now back home and am getting some chicken for breakfast, not fried or stewed, but jerked. I am watching what I eat but am not on any strict diet. I know weight loss will come if I increase aerobic exercise and add weight training, so as my body gradually adjust, so will the training regime. I will be back on the road tomorrow to repeat what I did today as the body feels just fine, no aches or pain.

Thinking of getting a simple heart rate monitor, the little one that you strap onto your wrist so I can monitor my heart rate while riding. A really good aerobic workout involves getting your heart rate up to 80% of maximum over 30 minutes of working out, so I need to determine what my regular heart rate is and work towards 80% while riding. It is also a fact that the more fit you are is the slower your heart beat so I would like to monitor my progress on that.

1st Picture - Moi posing with Wayne's road bike

2'nd Picture - My bicycle

3'rd Picture - Wayne

Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's Not An Easy Road

"They see the glamour and the glitter and they think it's a bed of rose, who feels it know..." - Buju Banton

I strated riding this morning, I am discovering aches in places that I never know existed before. You all should know that I am a huge cricket fan and one particular sledge of Arjuna Ranatunga of Sri Lanka by Shane Warne ran through my mind while I was huffing and puffing away this morning "You get no kudos for being a fat, unfit f**k." :)
The route was a 8.8 km ride from The Officer's Club near Norman Manley International Airport out to Port Royal on a nicely paved stretch of road that is realtively flat. It's used by many cyclists from the beginners to the hardcore professionals who rush past like a bullet train, calling out to overtake and ensuring that I keep my wobbles to a minimum and not cause a pile up.

We started at 6am which was about 30 minutes later than we wanted to, Wayne was up last night late working on his road bicycle and slighly overslept. We made some adjustments to both bikes and off we went very slowly. Now I haven't done any serious working out in over 3-4 years and while my job keeps me on my feet on and off throughout the day I am seriously OUT OF SHAPE, and it showed up pretty early but I soldered on until about 3.5 Km where I stopped and refused to go any further :) Wayne continued onwards to Port Royal after a bit of fussing and I made an attempt to ride back to the car, but ended up walking and pushing the bike for about 3 KM, at least whether riding or walking I am getting exercise (I thought to myself). The sun was ripping at the time I stopped and I realised that we would have had an advatage if we had started earlier. The big riders who barrelled past me going and coming were all so pleasant and encouraging, most slowed down and asked if I was ok while I was walking back and many told me not to worry as the more I did it the better I would get.

I have started and stopped exercise routines before and know that I need to take things slowly and give my body time to adjust and most importantly STICK TO IT. I will be up again on Wednesday morning when I will do a few circuits around my neighbourhood ( a few inclines there) and again on Saturday where we will see if I can go 4 or 5 KM this time :)
The ride from the Officer's Club to Port Royal is 8.8KM one way and my goal is to be able to complete that and stay alive, then increase that distance to both ways. I am going to need to adjust my diet to help with the weight loss aspect and also try to quit my worst habit - PESPI COLA.
I love taking pictures and from time to time will pepper here with photos of Jamaica, etc. so look out for those.
1st picture - Part of the route
2nd picture - Building in Port Royal