Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Powers - Excellent Comic Book Series

Every now and then I will read a comic book and just be blown out of the water by the type of story and the artwork. When you have been collecting comics as long as I have it takes something special to hold my attention, I mean most of the times I feel like I have "been there, done that", not so with Powers.

Powers is a crime drama comic book that takes place on an Earth populated by Superheroes. They soar above people in brightly coloured costumes and clash with Supervillians in epic spectacular battles like Gods while down in the streets normal citizens try to go about their lives in a dirty crime infested city. Police Detective Christian Walker (a former Superhero) and rookie Deena Pilgrim are teamed up and investigate crimes (mostly murders) related to Powers (the name given to people with........well powers)
Creator Brian Michael Bendis, a writer who made his name in the independents before becoming Marvel Comic's star boy, has stated that he really wanted to write this book as Alan Moore (Watchmen) and Frank Miller (The Dark Return Returns) told all there was to tell about Superheroes, and he found these types of stories more interesting. There are times when Bendis' obvious Mamet's style of writing irritates, but thankfully the substance of the stories usually make up for it

The artwork by Michael Avon Oeming is simple and reminiscent of Bruce Timm's style from the Batman Animated Series of the 90s and actually enhances the scripts greatly. His clean dynamic layouts have made me an instant fan.

If you were/are a fan of Hill Street Blue, NYPD Blue, CSI, heck even Law and Order you will enjoy this. It is serious, funny, irreverent, smart and damn good comic writing with stunning art.

I have a friend that I supply with what I consider exceptional comics, right now he's devouring Bendis/Maalev's excellent Daredevil run, I think I will give him Powers next and watch as his head explodes.

Powers - copyright Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming
Trades available at Amazon at this link

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mileage already going well this year

I got my bike in late 2009 and started riding, not as much as I would like to but at least I was getting some exercise.

On January 2010 I decided that I really needed to take this lifestyle change seriously and really ride more consistently if I wanted to hit 200lbs by December. There was no way a half ass attempt was going to get me there, so I have been out more, I can still get out more and will.

Total miles for 2009 - 51. 03 miles
Total Miles for 2010 - 177.20 miles (YTD)

In January 2010 I rode more miles in one month than I did the entire 3 or so months in 09. It helps that I am already down 10lbs just from eating better and the doing more, but can you imagine the strides I could make with consistency ??

October is the date for the Kingston to Negril 142 miles bicycle trek and I am still working my way to taking part in it, it is a goal that I have set for myself and want to see just how much of that journey I can complete.

Stay tuned for more updates on my consistency.....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I have seen my mortal enemy and it is ...........

the wind.

The blustery incessant wind that pops up every now and then while riding. It saps your energy, makes your heart pound and turn your legs to silly putty. It makes you feel that all the months of heavy riding suddenly means nothing and you are back to your old self , huffing and puffing away , helping to make you doubt your ability to finish and fueling the nagging thought in the back of your mind "maybe I should quit early today"

I had no intention of backing down from this beeeeyatch, she wasn't going to dry hump me and leave me wanting more, no sireebob. I was going to conquer her and walk off with a smirk on my face, and that is exactly what I did.

I paid no attention to the breeze while getting ready to ride, I just hit the road and cycled like my life depended on it. I started 10 minutes earlier than usual and rode out and back. Going out was fine, coming in was not, but I just gritted my teeth and steadily fought the wind and was genuinely very surprised at how quickly the ride seemed to be, it was not actually, but not bitching and moaning and just riding, concentrating on form, breathing properly, costing when I felt exhausted (never stopping).

I was wasted after 25 miles and after 10 minutes rest and some water and gatorade I actually felt like I could do another 6 or so miles, problem was that 6 miles would take me to Port Royal and I would have to ride another 6 in the wind again back to the car, and the sun was already out in all her glory and Wayne was wasted.

Next week I will start another 15 minutes earlier and go for 3 circuits - 36 miles. That should be very challenging as I have never ridden over 25 miles before

March 13, 2010

Miles Ridden Today - 25

Miles Ridden MTD - 55

Target for March - 100 miles.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quickie 5 Miles to Golden Spring

Need to ride more often.

Although I have lost weight riding one day per week - Saturdays and watching what I eat, if I can get myself up to 3 times per week and keep off the Pepsi Cola I should shed lbs more quickly.

Its not easy motivating yourself to ride up here in Temple Hall as the road is narrow and busy. On Ash Wednesday a couple weeks ago I rode to Golden Spring and back and it was a good ride. I have been riding for 20 plus miles in Kingston on a relatively flat road, but the slope up to Golden Spring is very challenging and is exactly what I need, so this evening I came in a little early and just got into my padded shorts, grabbed a bottle of water and off I went.

Back and forth at an average of 15MPH, it was grueling going and fun coming back. I know I probably did 6 miles as I rode an extra mile to the gas station to cool off, but for my recording purposes I will cap it at 5.

I feel good and will try to do another run tomorrow and take Friday off in anticipation of a 25 miler on Saturday. I have included a couple of pictures so you all can see how narrow the road is.

March 10, 2010

Miles Ridden Today - 5

Miles Ridden MTD - 30

Target for March - 100 miles

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Back with a Bang !!

Apparently nothing motivates more to lose weight than losing weight. Nothing gives you more energy than positive results, if you don't set a high targets then you results will be mediocre.

In my last 2 posts I talked about losing 10lbs over the past 8 weeks and the extra work that I had put into my riding, I was riding more days, going at it harder and longer. I had also adjusted my eating habits slightly, cutting down on rice and flour, consuming more complex carbs, stop eating before I am full, etc. but I still had the Pepsi habit.

Well the Pepsi habit is no more, I have been off it for the past week and I don't miss it. I have been drinking a lot more water and a product here call Cran-water - bottled water with Cranberry added. The best thing about Cran-water is that it has half the sugar of Pepsi and is not carbonated and not as addictive.

This morning was a 25 miles trek along my regular route by myself. Most times I prefer riding by myself as I can concentrate totally on my ride without being distracted with conversations. I am not anti-social but sometimes its hard riding and trying to keep up a conversation. Occasionally though, riding with a partner motivates you to continue even after you feel like you must stop or die.

This morning I felt good, I was rode at an average of 12.5 miles, which might seem slow to some of you, but for me is quick enough. I am not training to be a racer, I am riding to lose weight, so I concentrate on keeping form, breathing deeply and to keep soldering on. I also rode in a higher gear which made the pedalling more difficult but with less rotations.

At the end I felt good not wasted as usual, and that is probably a good sign that my body has adjusted reasonably well to 25 miles. I went for a quick 30 minutes walk after-wards as this guy I known suggested just as I was finishing that a brisk walk would be good just to mix things up.

Good start to March, on Tuesday and Thursday morning I will try to do a 5 miles quickie to Golden Spring and back.

March 6, 2010

Miles Ridden Today - 25

Miles Ridden MTD - 25

Target for March- 100 miles