I work on the road and my job has me interacting with all the major supermarkets in Kingston and St. Andrew, the temptation of eating all the sugary and starchy crap and drinking all the soda I want is in front of me on a daily basis, yet over the past couple months I have lost 10 lbs.
In January I quit my job with WBS. I loved my job and I could see myself working there for the next 10 years and enjoying the heck out of it, but sometimes things happen and you move on and you are surprised at how much better you feel from not having the constant stress on you, the stress to over-perform, over-achieve, yadda yadda yadda.
I decided that I wanted less stress, to try and start by own business, spend more time spent trying to live a healthier lifestyle and trying my best to forge an even closer relationship with my wife, (I have a tendency of being a work-a-holic and sometimes spending way too much time on the job or on the internet) and the it has been trying as day to day challenges and bills come in, but working together as a team really helps, instead of me taking on everything, bottling it up and trying to solve everything myself, Antoinette shares the burden with me.
I have been riding on and off (more off than on actually) for the past few months and you can look back through all the entries here and follow my (mis ?) adventures, but at the end of January I decided that I really needed to commit to upping the intensity, so 2 Saturdays ago I rode 25 miles and this Saturday I did 23.5. I am also trying to do 2 in the week 5 miles ride, but I haven't consistently followed through on that yet. The result has been pleasing - I am down 10lbs.
I have not put myself on a strict diet or anything. I am eating better since moving further from Kingston, more bananas, yams and potatoes and less rice and bread, I have cut Pepsi consumption but not totally eliminated it, and I eat my dinner before 6pm and in slightly smaller servings (I don't eat until I feel full, I stop just before)
The address of this blog is target190lbs for a reason as a weight of 190lbs is my ultimate goal. Way back when I started this blog I was 250lbs, I am down to 240, the next step is 230 and knowing that I am well on my way is motivation enough to really crank out some miles on Saturday and beyond.
October - 250 lbs
February - 240 lbs
End of 2010 Target - 200 lbs
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