An inch makes a big difference, so anytime a lady tells you that size doesn't matter - AH LIE SHE AH TELL !!
So I adjusted me seat by an inch and what a difference it made. I always knew it needed adjustment as it felt uncomfortable when I rode, like I was cramped for room. The seat needed to be raised and also it sloped slightly upwards. All of that was fixed and now it feels a little better. I will have to adjust the handlebar as I get a slight backache while riding.
When will I ever learn ?? Everytime Wilson tells me that he wants to start early, invariably he will be late. Yesterday it was overcast the whole day and Antoinette and I were in Mandeville looking at some properties, we came back in and ran straight into friday kingston traffic and rain. But rain be damed, we will still ride.
The plan was for 5:45am start. I was there at 5:50 but Wilson was still home, and I just set up and started. It was still pretty dark and I dont have lights on the bike but I was sure it would light up enough before I end up under a truck. Its really nice riding early and I saw Paul riding with his group. The ride to Port Royal was great, the ride back was not. It was a windy blustering morning and it really took a massive effort riding against it. I had to stop to catch my breath and get some water three quarters of the way back as my heart was really pounding from the effort.
It was a good ride tough and I saw a business associate of mine who rode up, pack away his bike, took on some fluid and went off for a run. He said he was training for competition, I need to ask him what exactly he takes part in, but he really inspired me and made me realize that riding alone wont work with me, it will have to include walking, running and weights training.
January 9, 2010
Miles Ridden Today - 12.3 miles
Miles Ridden MTD - 45 miles
Target for Month - 100 Miles
Miles to be Completed - 55 Miles
So I adjusted me seat by an inch and what a difference it made. I always knew it needed adjustment as it felt uncomfortable when I rode, like I was cramped for room. The seat needed to be raised and also it sloped slightly upwards. All of that was fixed and now it feels a little better. I will have to adjust the handlebar as I get a slight backache while riding.
When will I ever learn ?? Everytime Wilson tells me that he wants to start early, invariably he will be late. Yesterday it was overcast the whole day and Antoinette and I were in Mandeville looking at some properties, we came back in and ran straight into friday kingston traffic and rain. But rain be damed, we will still ride.
It was a good ride tough and I saw a business associate of mine who rode up, pack away his bike, took on some fluid and went off for a run. He said he was training for competition, I need to ask him what exactly he takes part in, but he really inspired me and made me realize that riding alone wont work with me, it will have to include walking, running and weights training.
January 9, 2010
Miles Ridden Today - 12.3 miles
Miles Ridden MTD - 45 miles
Target for Month - 100 Miles
Miles to be Completed - 55 Miles
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