I havent done any serious road work since March !!
I got sick in March and stayed home for almost a week, on the comeback trail my walking partner Andre got busy with work and his busy period usually runs from 4-6 weeks, but since then I have allowed work and home life to keep me busy. I am so exhausted that sometimes on a Saturday Antoinette will take the kids on the road and I would stay home and sleep for hours on end.
A large part of the exhaustion I am thinking stems from me not exercising regularly, the body would have lost all the gains I had within 2 months and I would be back at square one. So when Andre suggested we start back walking after the guys took me to the movies for my birthday, I agreed. I will of course blog it here to keep track of what I'm doing and hopefully motivate me to reach higher.
I will also be doing posting additional stuff here, my thoughts on movies that I have watched, beautiful girls that I see and whatever wacky ideas that come up.